Watch this video and witness graduates of the Legend Course "pass the paintbrush" as they invite more Legendary Women to say YES to their own Legend journey.
Welcome! This page includes videos to support you in learning about LEGEND as well as witnessing paintings and experiences from our Graduates. We invite you to peruse the videos as inspired.
Amber said yes to the Legend journey because she was going through a sad time in her life and wanted to feel truly happy. That simple intention grew into new opportunities that she could have never imagined...
After taking Legend and graduating from the Color of Woman Intentional Creativity Teacher Training, Amber Founded her own business called Woman Unleashed, which now serves tens of thousands of women around the world who are ready to unleash their own creative expression.
Watch this interview with Shiloh and Amber, that was filmed at MUSEA during Shiloh Sophia's Kinship with Creation Museum Show where she shares more about her journey, which may just inspire you to say YES to your own Legendary adventure!
A reading from the Red Thread Cafe as Shiloh Sophia reminds us to claim a new story for our future that isn't based on the hardest parts of our past. Inviting us to say YES to the great adventure!
Graduates share about their personal journey with Legend in our mini-interview series broadcast every Wednesday at 3pm PT in our community Facebook group, known as the Red Thread Cafe Classroom. RSVP for the complimentary series here:
Graduates share about their personal journey with the Color of Woman Teacher Certification Training in our mini-interview series broadcast every Wednesday at 3pm PT in our community Facebook group, known as the Red Thread Cafe Classroom.